Friday 8 July 2011

today standing abut with a MERCEDES ,i got to realize the power of money ,is it the power because of which MR. GANDHI is smiling or its about a dream which he seen at the time when he was alive ..... i still think its power of money which making him smile ,its not a single chance of his dream come true ...... as i was standing there its the power of money only which is not protecting me from rain but somebody inside the car and someone other on the pedestrian to walk ,and make him jealous about my bike and some other beggar on same lane thinking about the walker ,its power of money which separates human being made by same god on same path but altogether in different states ,i am not an economist but have read about smith theory which states that economy will be best if its left alone but if its left alone it can be better for those who have power of money ,youth will work for them for just 20000 buks per month giving total productivity of lakhs per month ,increasing wealth as well as power for someone else ,beside it government which is considered to be supreme powerful ,(money also) will loss its grip in terms of power as well money by disinvestment in various sector to private players ,imagine someday pepsi is supplying us water for drinking due to disinvestment by government obviously they will supply it at higher price resulting in more power to them in terms of money and control ,that can really happen and at that time CARL MARX may be smiling in heaven at the condition of people ,so its only the power of money which can make it possible in future ,but the basic reason power of money which is making an 80 years old man to go on hunger strike(Anna Hazare) ,or a temple in Kerela towards which people are attracted not due to divine power but due to assets so these things prove that money have power to control everything ,is this the reason for human life to be on earth or this power became bigger then that ,these thing keep hovering in mind and its power of money only i was able to come out nasty traffic of gurgaon .....thanx DAD for giving me this power ( bike)

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